BRANDSTORMING CEO, VALERIE DELLINGER, is a French Trademark and Design Attorney and an authorized representative before the EUIPO. She graduated from the CEIPI (Center for International Intellectual Property Studies) where she obtained a Master’s degree in Industrial Property Law. Valérie Dellinger also holds a degree in English Law from the Édouard Lambert Institute of Comparative Law as well as a degree in International Commercial Law, both delivered by the University Lyon III.

She has been working in the field of Intellectual Property since 1993. After several years of practice in a Luxury Group, she founded her own law firm, Brandstorming, in 2001.
Valérie Dellinger built up an in-depth know-how in protection and defense of creative assets in the Luxury sector, particularly fashion creations.

Valérie Dellinger is a member of the INTA (International Trademark Association). To further defend the interests of her clients, she participates in anti-counterfeiting actions with the UNIFAB (French Manufacturers’ Union) in cooperation with the French Head of Customs.


OLIVIER NISSOU, Trademark and Design Attorney and authorized representative before the EUIPO, graduated both from the CUERPI (Centre for Intellectual Property Studies and Research) of Grenoble and the IAE (Institute of Business Administration) of Lyon.
He joined Brandstorming in 2010, where he assists his clients on issues related to the valorization and defense of their intellectual property rights, notably in China. He also developed valuable skills in Contracts Law.
Olivier Nissou is a member of the Contracts committee of the CNCPI (Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle) which is the French Patent & Trademark Attorneys Institute.